Dental Surgeons perform Root Canal in Ottawa- Urban Dental Centre

Root canal is a treatment and repair of infected tooth instead of extracting the tooth. Clean the canals within the tooth’s root for a successful root canal. Root canals are painless as dentist uses local anaesthesia during the procedure. Moreover a mild pain or discomfort is quite normal after the root canal is done. Contact your nearest dentist for a successful root canal in Ottawa.

Post treatment care In Root Canal:

  • Severe pain or swelling may last for few days.
  • Swelling inside or outside the mouth.
  • An allergic reaction to medication.
  • A pain after root canal is normal after root canal procedure.

Book your dentist appointment for a root canal procedure. A root canal is a dental procedure in which nerve of a decayed tooth are removed. The cost of the root canals is treated by general dentist. Molars have canals that need to be filled. Endodontists typically charge during the special treatment. There are alternatives of a root canal: Direct pulp capping, Pulpotomy, Tooth extraction are different types of root canal procedure. Antibiotics are given to patients suffering from tooth infection.

Symptoms of a Root canal:

  • Severe toothache upon chewing
  • Sensitivity towards cold and hot temperature.
  • Discoloration of tooth
  • Swelling and tenderness in gums.

Root canals procedure takes from 30 to 60 minutes. Root Canal in Ottawa is completed in two visits. Tooth is sealed and protected during the procedure. After a Root canal one can have mild pain.

Three stages of Root canal:

  • Extirpation- Initial cleaning takes place for cleaning the bacterial infection.
  • Obturation: Filling the root canal
  • Instrumentation: Thoroughly clean with medicine.

Foods to avoid during Root canal procedure:

  • Food should not be taken after the root canal
  • Chips and nuts should be avoided
  • Gum and caramels should not be taken

Local anaesthesia is performed during surrounding area. Anti-biotics are needed during root canal.  Dentist perform root canals in two visits. There are two to three procedures undertaken by dentist for root canal purpose. A few stiches are done to heal the tissue in the affected dental area.

Routine dental care involves cleaning and sealing of infected tooth area. Dentist work on infected dental care and reduces the pain associated with it. Diagnosis of the infected pulp, a root canal filling while tooth is restored.


The treatment of infection on tooth need to be administered. Tooth infection can further create abscesses. An abscesses can create inflammation that may affect the tooth. Proper root canal can save the tooth. Dentist generally drill through the tooth. Root canal needs to be done efficiently. It is possible to have more than one root canal on a single root. Root canal is painful and can take time to heal. Dentists suggest anti-biotics to minimise the swelling on the infected area. Get your root canal done immediately in case one is facing inconvenience in the tooth.

A root canal is far more expensive than tooth extraction. A tooth canal is much more complicated than tooth extraction. Keeping a tooth in better condition is something one need to work on. Work out on good dental hygiene. Get your teeth protected while working on root canal. Root canal is a most common dental procedures. Get your molar root canal which is generally done on the tooth on the average of 90 minutes. After a root canal is performed, there is dental filling on the infected area. Amoxicillin is the medicine suggested after a dental root canal. Root canal removes bacteria from infected root canal. It saves the natural tooth. Get routine filling in tooth for Root Canal in Ottawa. There are efficient chewing with normal biting sensation.



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