People With Diabetes Less Likely to Spot Dangerous A-Fib: Study

[ad_1] FRIDAY, Nov. 12, 2021 (HealthDay News) If they have diabetes, people with atrial fibrillation (a-fib) are less likely to notice symptoms of the common heart rhythm disorder. They also…

Biden Announces New Lung Health Program for U.S. Veterans

[ad_1] THURSDAY, Nov. 11, 2021 (HealthDay News) A new program to help U.S. veterans with lung problems caused by inhaling toxins while deployed was announced on Veterans Day by President…

Vibration Therapy May Help Body, Mind in People With MS

[ad_1] By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Nov. 11, 2021 (HealthDay News) Multiple sclerosis patients might be able to think more clearly and move more easily if they regularly undergo…

Wealthier Parents More Likely to Get COVID Vaccines for Young Kids: Poll

[ad_1] THURSDAY, Nov. 11, 2021 (HealthDay News) In a finding that suggests a family’s income influences parents’ views on COVID vaccines for their younger kids, a new survey shows the…

Measles Outbreak Threat After Missed Shots During Pandemic

[ad_1] Latest Infectious Disease News THURSDAY, Nov. 11 The world faces an increased risk of a measles outbreak because 22 million infants did not get their measles shots…

Federal Judge Overturns Texas Ban on School Mask Mandates

[ad_1] THURSDAY, Nov. 11, 2021 (HealthDay News ) A Texas ban on mask mandates in schools violates the rights of students with disabilities, a federal judge ruled Wednesday. The decision…

Placebo Effect Plays Big Role in Antidepressant’s Impact on Anxiety: Study

[ad_1] By Ernie Mundell and Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporters WEDNESDAY, Nov. 10, 2021 (HealthDay News) Illustrating the power of the mind to heal itself, new research suggests that the placebo…

Exposure to Some Airborne Chemicals Found Indoors May Increase Blood Pressure

[ad_1] Latest High Blood Pressure News WEDNESDAY, Nov. 10, 2021 (American Heart Association News) Acrolein, crotonaldehyde and styrene, compounds found in everything from cigarette smoke to plastics, were…

The Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health

[ad_1] Latest Mental Health News THURSDAY, Nov. 11, 2021 Depression remained common during the pandemic and worsened for some people, according to a new study aiming to cast…

U.S. Sees Decline in Sepsis Deaths, But Some Americans More Vulnerable

[ad_1] Latest Infectious Disease News By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Nov. 10, 2021 (HealthDay News) While deaths from sepsis have dropped in the United States since 2000,…