The ‘Snow Fairy’ line is colorful, vibrant, and covered in pink. ‘Snow Fairy’ contains all types of ‘Lush’ products from bath bombs to dusting powders. The best part is the packaging for the entire ‘Snow Fairy’ line is ultra-sustainable, being reusable and made of 100% recycled products.
In the spirit of the holidays, the ‘Snow Fairy’ line is available in special, eccentric gift-wrapped packages with warm phrases such as “A Warm Hug in a Box” or “You are Magic”. The packaging features collages of color-popping artwork from stars to flowers. The packages are made to be dis-assembled and re-assembled from home with their intuitive design. Even the ribbon that ties them together is made from recycled goods!
‘Lush’ is truly making the statement that beautiful packaging does not need to be made of unsustainable plastics, and that the holiday colors do not need to be restricted to green and red.
Image Credit: Lush
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