What Good Do Natural Mineral Water Manufacturers Do For You?

People prefer natural mineral water now over normal water and for the right reasons. How is natural mineral water different? It is the water obtained from natural sources and is rich in minerals essential for the body, meeting specific quality standards. It is also called spring water because it is obtained from natural springs. The mineral content offers you many health benefits. 

Mineral water

Due to the increased popularity of mineral water among people, mineral water manufacturing company is a common sight in the marketplace. Some offer you natural mineral water and also some artificial. You would want to go with the natural one, right. Of course, after all, nature offers the best things.


Torque’s Jal delivers the supreme quality water to its customers, and here is how:-


  • Vital organic minerals 

Jal natural mineral water is rich in calcium, magnesium, chlorides, bicarbonates, potassium, and trace elements in the right proportion. Jal is balanced in vital minerals and total dissolved salts in the 255-275 range with an alkaline pH of 7.6, making it suitable for the body.

The power of natural minerals helps your body and mind to shine.

  • Unprocessed and untouched

Every sip of Jal you take comes directly from the foothills of the great Himalayas. The Jal flowing freely for many years retains its natural taste, rich in all the organic minerals. The rock, sand, and clay layer keep the water bacteria-free and pure in the most natural way possible. With this property, water becomes JAL – the “elixir of life”.  

Benefits of drinking natural mineral water

There are so many ways how drinking natural mineral water can be advantageous for your body. Also here are some reasons why you should get water from natural mineral water manufacturers:

  • Cardiovascular health 

Water, rich in minerals, reduces the total serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, increasing the HDL cholesterol simultaneously (the good cholesterol), reducing the risk of diseases related to the heart. Bicarbonates-rich water also helps in combating cardiovascular disorders.

  • Weight management

Mineral water contains zero amount of calories, thus fat-free. Water from natural mineral water manufacturers can help you in calorie intake and in staying hydrated.

  • Improved bowel movement

Water, rich in magnesium and also sulphates, helps enhance bowel movement by alleviating the symptoms of constipation and promoting digestion.

  • Bone health

Mineral water is rich in calcium and bicarbonates, which create suitable surroundings for bone mineralization. Thus, maintain the health of bones.

  • Electrolyte balance

Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonates enable the body cells to absorb water and also hydrate. Mineral water can give your body all the electrolytes in the right amount.

Torque Jal, a mineral-water manufacturing company delivers minerals water in its purest form to you so that you can lead a healthy lifestyle while performing your routine functions efficiently. 

The minerals composition in Torque’s Jal is as follows:

  • pH = 7.6 with TDS ranging from 255-275
  • Calcium 6.0
  • Magnesium 0.8
  • Sodium 3.1
  • Bicarbonate 24.4
  • Potassium 0.3
  • Chloride 2.8

The company is eco-friendly and sustainable. Therefore it recycles the bottles to have minimum impact on nature. It is the water obtained from natural sources and is rich in minerals essential for the body, meeting specific quality standards.


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